When most people consider upgrading their homes to boost their property value, they are thinking about the house itself. Often, the yard and landscaping gets neglected. However, adding landscaping and trees to your house can actually give you a solid return on your investment, even more so than anything interior.

According to HGTV, studies have actually shown that homeowners get a 100 percent or more return on their money when they invest in landscaping, particularly in trees.

But before you jump up and run to your nearest gardening supply store, you need to understand that the opposite can hold true as well. Some trees can negatively affect your home’s value and need to be avoided.
So how do you know which ones to plant and which ones to steer clear of? Here is a helpful explanation.

Trees With Leaves and Flowers Are Always a Yes
Not only do they look pretty, but flowering and leafy trees give off more oxygen, making their surroundings naturally healthier. They also provide shade from the heat, helping your home weather the sun’s intense rays better and prolonging inevitable upkeep. In some cases, trees can even protect your home from fires.

Be sure you choose where you plant your tree, and what tree you plant, carefully. Some trees look small but eventually grow enormous, with huge roots that can affect the foundation of your home or homes around you. They can block important access areas or views as well. Plan ahead and find out how large the tree usually grows, and plant accordingly.
Deciduous trees, or trees that flower in the spring and summer, are very attractive and can increase value to your home. Try a crepe myrtle, magnolia, or citrus for smaller trees with fragrant flowers. These tend to be easier to keep up with and can handle most types of weather.

What to Stay Away From When Choosing Your Trees
Some trees are sneaky. They look harmless, but after you’ve planted them and they’ve taken root, so to speak, you find out just how obnoxious they really are. These types of trees will diminish your property value, so take heed and stay away from the following trees.

Commonly known as the monkey tree, the Araucaria araucana is a soft, light green, Christmas tree shaped plant that can grow up to 40 meters in height. While it appears harmless, once the branches fall off the tree, the leaves turn hard and pointy, making them a nuisance for any homeowners and their neighbors.

Palmetto trees are quite common in warmer areas because of their ability to withstand high temperatures and drought, but they are sharp and pointy and can be dangerous to little ones and pets. They also are a great attraction to palmetto bugs, also known as the southern cockroach. Not something most people want near their houses.

Another thing to consider when deciding on your landscaping are trees that tend to irritate those with allergies. Many people have allergies to oak, elm, birch and melaleuca trees, among others. While it may not immediately affect your property’s value, if you decide to sell your home in the future, having trees that are known allergens can affect the sale.

In General
Whether you are landscaping in Mississauga or Niagara Falls, the same basic concepts apply: Flowers and leaves are good, pointy and sharp branches and fronds, trees that attract unwanted insects, and trees that aggravate allergies are bad.
But if you are looking to increase your home’s value, start with what is outside your front door for a quick and easy return on your investment!

The post Boosting Property Value What Types of Trees Affect Your Home Value appeared first on RealtyBizNews: Real Estate News.